Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week One Football ERA Composite Scores

The Football ERA Formula outputs a result that runs on a scale from approximately 3000 points to -3000 with losing teams that are dominated getting pushed into the negative numbers by their victors.  Defensive Elements of the Formula contribute to this negative score in games constituting blowouts.  A few years back, we at developed a formula that translates the Final Game Results of The Football ERA into Composite Scores that resemble football scores as much as possible.  Here are the Week One Composite Scores:

Hou 40
Ind 6

Jax 37
Tenn 9

Buff 36
KC 10

Phi 34
StL 18

SD 34
Minn 10

Det 32
TB 11

Oak 32
Den 14

NE 32
Mia 16

Car 30
Arz 18

Was 29
NYG 20

Cinn 28
Cleve 23

Chi 28
Atl 22

GB 28
NO 17

Bal 26
Pitt 20

Dall 26
NYJ 20

SF 25
Sea 23


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