Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rumor floated of Tommie Harris to the Colts

Teams aren’t allowed to talk to prospective free agents during the lockout, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening through indirect or under-the-radar channels.
We hear occasional rumors of certain free agents being tied to certain teams, and we’re not the only ones.
Here’s a random missive from Vaughn McClure of the Chicago Tribune Thursday:  “Don’t be surprised if Tommie Harris signs with the Colts once the lockout ends.”
This was McClure’s first tweet in a week, so it seemingly came from somewhere rather than idle speculation.  Harris reportedly received interest before the work stoppage began and is a logical fit because he fits the Colts’ system well.  Then again, Indianapolis almost never dips into the free agent pool to pick up talent.
Perhaps Harris will come at a bargain basement price after a down season, which would fit more into Indy’s usual way of doing things.
Whether the rumor is true or not, expect the Colts to shoot it down at some point.

author:  Gregg Rosenthal

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