Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Browns LB Scott Fujita Praises NFL's PR Efforts

Neither side in the NFL labor dispute has had many nice things to say about one another, but Cleveland Browns linebacker and player rep Scott Fujita praised the NFL's public relations efforts in the days after the lockout.

"What I do think the league did an excellent job of in the couple days after talks broke down, and they locked us out, their spin control was pretty spectacular," Fujita told Chuck Yarborough and Dennis Manoloff of SBTV on Cleveland.com. "And I think a big part of that is that it's tough for us, as players, to compete with the message power they have to give out.

"Kind of the resources they have at their disposal. Their control a lot of airwaves and the networks, and it's tough for us to compete with that, to be honest."

Fujita declined to delve too deeply into the labor issue, but did say that it's going to come down to the two sides talking to one another.

"A lot of things are very delicate, and much like with mediation under George Cohen at the FMCS buiding in Washington, we're going to respect the wishes and the orders of Judge (Susan) Nelson in Minnesota to kind of keep things close to the vest and internal.

"It's all about mediation," Fujita added. "And at some point, I think both parties are going to get back to discuss things as much as possible, try to hammer everything out while everything else kind of runs its course.

"And as she (Judge Nelson) said last Wednesday, she expects to have her decision in a couple weeks. She wants to make sure she takes everything into consideration, takes a good look at both sides' arguments in our complaint, and make her decision from there."

source:  Mac's Football Blog
Posted by Brian McIntyre

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